Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sibilja and the girls ;-)

Kamera... äkkiä takaisin pesään
Camera... Run for your life..

Mitä te teette, voinko mäkin osallistua...
What are you guys doing, can I join you...?

En mä tätä adoptoi, sehän ei oo musta
What.. I'm not going to adopt this, it's not black

Minne se Lulla-täti meni?
Where did aunt-Lulla go?

Lulla: Miksi kukaan ei kertonut, että voi saada väärän kasvattilapsen?
En mä tota ota... Jos mä oon tarpeeks kauan täällä ni meneeköhän se pois?

Lulla: If I stay here hidden long enough, will she go away...?
That's not the kitten I wanted, this is just my luck

No nyt se lähtee.. huh! Mutta missä se musta viipyy?
Finally - she is leaving. But where is my black little boy?

Äiti oota.. noi tädit on ihan tyhmiä
Mum wait up.. those aunts are dull..

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First time out

Skadi poseeraa :-)

Sibilja on ehkä alkanut näyttää enempi isältään

Sibilja ja Skadi


Erittäin epätarkka kuva Snotrasta

Skadista tuli kymmeniä poseerauskuvia, kun muista ei oikein mitään ;-) se vaan istua tönötti paikallaan ja ihmetteli kameraa.

Snotra was the first one to get out from their box. Saga was waiting for them outside and they were hungry enough to come out when they realized that milk was there. Sibilja soon followed Snotra and then came Sparke and Skadi was the last one out.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Lulun toive

Kastraattinaaras etsii kasvattilasta! Maidontuotanto ei mahdollista, joten olethan jo vierottunut tissistä. Annan kodin yhdelle pennulle. Värillä ei välilä kunhan olet musta. Sukulaisten hakemukset etusijalla. Jos muita vastauksia ei tule, punainenkin käy.

Olen punainen, 1,5 vuotias kastraattilady, hyvin tunnollinen kaikissa hoitotoimenpiteissä. Oletkin saattanut nähdä minut kotikulmillasi, toisinaan huntu päässä (koska äitinne on hakenut minulle lähestymiskieltoa). Ääneni on miellyttävän pieni, enkä komenna yhtä kovalla äänellä kuin emosi... Samaa sukuahan tässä ollaan, joten pieni musta pallo, tule luokseni! Olen lähettyvillä odottamassa, jos päätät karata kotoa.

Vastausta odottaen,


Lulun toivoma kasvattilapsi:

ilmoitus jätetty 26.11.2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turku here we come...

I don't know how I'm able to leave the little ones for one night... But I guess I have no choice.. We are going to a christmasparty that we are hosting for the finnish and swedish forestcat people :-)

I'm sure that the evening will be great :-) But I'm also sure that I will be a bit worried about the kittens. However they have a "babysitter" so there is really nothing to worry about.

Tomorrow kittens will already be 3 weeks old! Sparke has been over 500g for a couple of days know. The smallest girl Skadi is 450 g and the others are just a little bit heavier than her.

I'll try to get pictures tomorrow when I ge home. Maybe the christmascard -idea works better this time, when they are older... ;-)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A few pictures from today..



Skadi and Saga

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sparke :-)

"Little" boy weights now over 400g :-)

"Minkki" on jo yli 400g ja edelleen mamman poika. Huuto on kova, jos poitsun erehtyy pesästä nostamaan :-)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Roope and Iines

Roope and Iines are strangly getting along like they were best friends ;-) I guess it has something to do with the fact that Roope's true love Saga is spending her time with her kittens. Or maybe Iines is becoming a female.... Roope's sudden intrest in Lulu a year ago was also due to the fact that Lulu wasn't a kitten any more. But let's see what will happen...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Saga and Sibilja

A few pictures of Lilja

Lilja opened her eye yesterday, after these pictures were taken. She clearly didn't like what she saw ;-) She kept quite a noise when she was headed to the milk-bar..

Sparke also has his eyes quite open.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weight issue, part 2

Speaking of weights...

Täplä weights 5,5 kg!! :-)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Sparke - mama's boy

Hi! I'm Sparke and I'm 6 days old. Tomorrow me and my sisters will be one week! I'm the only boy in my litter and I have to tell you, it's great being the only one... Naturally I'm our mother's pet, and she just keeps cuddling me :-) I'm bigger than my sisters and of course I can run over them whenever I want.

I've been told that I'm a black and white cat but I sure don't feel like one? I have two lighter spots in me (one in my neck and one between my legs) and maybe they will grow off? But if they don't, who cares ;-)

I was so cute that most of the pictures were focused on me and no decent pictures of the girls this time ;-)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Weight -issue

Some comments about the reliability of my scale have been launched ;-) But as before, my scale is very functional and accurate. I don't think it is such a odd thing that they were so big when they were born. For what it's worth, Häjy, Lulu, Saku and Veikka were even bigger... Häjy was 138g, Lulu the same 138g, Saku 145g and Veikka 129g.

Saga's first kittens were 121g, 116g, 132g and 133g AND weighted with a differents scale ;-) I guess it's partly based on genes and the nutrition level of the female (which in this case has always been good ;-))

But what can you do... There will always be people who'll doubt anything. And that is their right. Funny though, that for example Lulu's weight was always the same when weighted at home and in the vet's office. Maybe the vet's scale wasn't right either ......?!

Kitten info

English info is finally up:

Ja jotain uutta suomalaisellakin puolella:

I haven't taken any good pictures of the kittens yet ;-) I don't want to stess Saga too much. And there is plenty of time to take pictures later..

Here are some pictures taken on Saturday and Sunday:

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Iines nearly 8 months

Pikkumetsän Jambalaia GIC Tallinnassa

SUURET onnittelut rakkaalle kilpakumppanille koko meidän porukalta :-) Ei paha reissu, lauantaina CAGCIB + VP ja tänään CAGCIB (2) -> GIC ja VP!

Sparke, Skadi, Snotra and Sibilja 1 days old

Saga's kittens were born a day ago. Sibilja was the last one to be born and she was out 5:15 AM. I just weighted them and all 4 had gained weight nicely. Sparke is 159 g (+19g), Skadi 144g (+13g), Snotra 148 g (+18g) and Sibilja 135g (9g).

Saga has been eating without help ;-) That's a new one... the last time she had to be fed with a spoon most of the time.... Now she is very very hungry and anxiously eating anything that I will bring her.

Iines is perhaps the most annoyed one at the moment. I woke up about an hour ago, when she was shouting behind the bedroom door. She is used to sleeping next to me and when I went to greed her in the livingroom, she licked my face, purred SO much and wanted to be cuddled. She would want to be in the bedroom (and she was for a little while yesterday), but I don't want to stress Saga too much.

Roope doesn't even want to see Saga and the kittens. Lulla was very afraid when she visited them... So they are happy to be outside and together. Saga has been away from the bedroom for a short periods of time and is happy to see her friends. But still... naturally she doesn't want them anywhere near her babies :-)

I hope that everything continues to go well. For now at least, it seems that there is a lot of milk for the babies and Saga is so happy.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Aries and Aquila 8 years today!

I almost forgot...

Roope wants to congratulate his mother IP&EC Lionmind's Aries and his aunt PR Lionmind's Aquila for their birthday :-)

Saga may still have her kittens on her grandmother's and Aquila's birthday.... But I highly doubt it

Ja se tentti :-/ Senhän tietää että katkonaisilla yöunilla ja synnytysajatukset mielessä pää oli aika tyhjä kaikesta muusta. Noh, saa nähdä miten käy sen suhteen.


No kittens yet.
I was hoping that Saga would deliver them before I have to got to Järvenpää to take that exam.... but it seems that it's not going to happen. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she is willing to wait until I come back... I have a feeling that my mom wouldn't be very excited about helping Saga ;-)

Roope, Lulla and Iines have been acting very strangely since yesterday. All three keep laying next to Saga and seem to be a bit confused. Iines of course is just waiting for the right time to get some milk ;-) But so far Saga has kept Iines away from her nipples... Saga was a bit restless yesterday and has had some contraction but nothing else so far.

I just have to keep on waiting...