Lilli was at her first show yesterday and I'm very happy with the result: EX1(3). There were 6 kittens in class 12, 3 girls and 3 boys. Lilli competed with the nro 1 male for the BIV and lost, so we didn't get to go further.
Lilli got nice judgment and the judge thought that she was most harmonical out of the girls. She has developed quite nicely, so the head and body fits together (at least for now) and she has started to grow guardhairs to her back. Her profile and chin is ok (for me her chin could be stronger). The only thing that judge commented was her forehead, which indeed could be higher. Fortunately it's not FLAT, but it could have more hight and be more rounder.
Our next show is in Jyväskylä later this month.
Lilli's father Tiikeri was at the show and got CAPIB both days :-) Next he is going to Tallinn, so most likely he will become Int.Premior soon!
In the picture Lilli is wearing light orange (?) harness made by
Arja Vänttinen :-) I bought it from the show and it suits Lilli's colour beautifully. More pictures at my