Our present to Sari.. (and a really really bad picture of it..)

Finally I have the time to write a few words about our trip to Tallinn. I have been exhausted the last couple of days, but now it feels that I'm feeling better. (Even my back is feeling fine, maybe I didn't have a broken rib after all... ?)
Lulu got her last CAPIB without a problem.. even though Hornell asked me where she had lost her tail ;-) She became International Premior and the last addition to Emma's IC/IP offsprings and now Emma will have the DM- titel :-) Lulu also got her first CAGPIB on sunday, so now she can go to several shows in Finland before her next (and hopefully last) trip abroad.
In June I have two shows; in the beginning of June Saga is going to Hyvinkää and is judged by Bette Lind. 30.6 I'm going to go to Jyväskylä with Saga's daughter Kalinda and my little Iines. Häjy is also coming. After the show in Kempele (7-8.7) I'm going to take a break from shows, I'm at least going to skip the Surok summer show.
Hopefully the first Norleon kittens will see daylight in the autumn.. Saga isn't co-operating (at least right now) so we'll have to wait and see what happens ;-)