Destiny is so sweet... She loves to cuddle and purrs a lot! She is full of speed and needs the speed to be able to compete with her sisters. Two other girls are a bit bigger than her, so she often attacks them by surprise and then runs away :-)

Liberty is the most active and always doing something forbidden! How did this happen, I thought that I was getting a sweet little girl and now it seems that I got a bit more ;-) Liberty has always something on her mind and likes to wrestle with her sisters. She often wins, since she is the biggest of them.

Infinity still looks like a little teddybear :-) She is very sweet and funny... She is often awake when the others sleep and explores the apartment. When she is in trouble, she is trying to make small funny noices, that I would notice her and rescue her :-) She is quite skilfull climber and was the first one to go on top of the bookshelf.
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