This was Remu's second show and he liked it way better than euro-type show in Jyväskylä. His curtains were so dark than at times there were no way of telling if he was in the cage or not! He got a lot of attention from he audience, as he had his name written on the curtains :-) Children wanted to cuddle him and that was ok with him.

And also BIG congratulations to Roope's borther Paukku (GIP&EC Lioneye's Baily) who became GIP yesterday and was also nominated!
1 comment:
Hienoja näyttelyuutisia! :) Alexanderkin lähettää onnittelut Paukku-papalle GIP-tittelistä, hienoa! Toivottavasti juhlitte tänään myös Sharman Premioria. :)
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