Iines has been a bit apathetic for a week. She was even too "tired" to play over the weekend, not even a new toy could get her to lighten up. I took her to a vet on Monday and they draw some blood and took a sample from her mouth (she has a few cuts there). The bloodtest showed that there is something going on with her and she was given antibiotics. The vet didn't want to run any more tests right now, so now we are waiting for the results from the skin sample.
My own guess is that she is allergic to something, maybe fish? So I'm trying a fish-free diet for her now. If it doesn't work, then I have to take her to new tests. The antibiotics at least are working and she is herself again. She purrs and talks and plays :-) She has started to eat turkey! And when I tried to get her to eat it a few months ago, she wouldn't even taste it! She would also eat pork (only roast of course;-)), but I'm not giving them any -at least for now- because I don't know what's causing those symptons in her mouth. She had been scratching herself a bit, so it could be an allergy. Or not. But we just have to wait and see.
To the show in Porvoo isn't going to happen next week, but that doesn't matter. The most important thing is that she is feeling better again :-)