Thursday, September 27, 2007

A quick update...

I forgot to post some pictures of Iines yesterday... I will put them up when I get home from work :-)

Saga weights 4,7kg, so she has gained around 500 g in 4 weeks. I also forgot to look what the numbers were during her last pregnancy, but probably they were lower, because her weight dropped for 2 weeks before it started to go up. The whole amount was 2 kg ;-) She loves to eat...
Saga didn't lose much weight during that 12 weeks when she was suppose to take care of the kittens ;-) She weighted about 4,5 kg when I got her home... So she was in her usual condition and had better coat than ever before. I think that she is dropping her coat right now, so she won't look as pretty in the kittenphotos ;-)

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