I have absolutely no motivation to do anything at work ;-) (sorry co-workers) Actually yesterday I did everything that was waiting for a "better time", so if I start my vacation today, my work doesn't overload anyone else.
Saga was following me the whole morning. She just kept looking at me and of course I tried to ask her if it was ok for me to leave for work... I have to go and check up on her after a couple of hours.
I studied for my exam 'til 1 AM and naturally I'm quite tired now... But I guess a few cups of coffee will help with that..
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Plans for the christmasparty
Christmas party is approaching and I still haven't been able to do a decent invitation :-/ I have the menu from the restaurant and the preliminary reservation has been made. However we have to announce the number of people by 19.11. at the latest.
23.11. is the date and our reservation is for 7 PM - .
I'm trying to get something done this week...
Saga is still in one piece and hopefully she won't have her kittens before Friday.. I have my last exam on Thursday and I can't miss it no matter what. But fortunately my mother has promised to check up on Saga, so I don't have to worry about that so much.
The presentation of my thesis was also rescheduled and it's on the 28th of November. Could the date be any worse?? (NOT) It's my birthday and I'm pretty sure that the presentation will ruin it ;-) But the good part is that I still have about two weeks to get it done.
So now it seems that after all, I'm finally going to graduate ;-) However it doesn't do me much good, because I don't intend to apply for a job from that field. But a degree is always a degree.
23.11. is the date and our reservation is for 7 PM - .
I'm trying to get something done this week...
Saga is still in one piece and hopefully she won't have her kittens before Friday.. I have my last exam on Thursday and I can't miss it no matter what. But fortunately my mother has promised to check up on Saga, so I don't have to worry about that so much.
The presentation of my thesis was also rescheduled and it's on the 28th of November. Could the date be any worse?? (NOT) It's my birthday and I'm pretty sure that the presentation will ruin it ;-) But the good part is that I still have about two weeks to get it done.
So now it seems that after all, I'm finally going to graduate ;-) However it doesn't do me much good, because I don't intend to apply for a job from that field. But a degree is always a degree.
Monday, October 29, 2007
61 days, a few to go?
Häjylle terveisiä, Saga voi paksusti ja oikeastaan jaksaa liikkua enää syömään ja parvekkeelle. Eilen mahakas rouva yritti myös lähteä ulkoilemaan ja protestoi kovasti, kun muut yksitellen saivat valjaat päälleen ja katosivat ovesta ulos. Saga jaksoi huudella protestejaan parvekkeella ja ovella, mutta ei auttanut - ei tuollaiselle tynnyrille varmaan edes omat valjaat mahtuisi ;-)
Sisarusrakkaus kukoistaa ja Roope pitää huolta Piballon puhtaudesta - se kun ei ole yltänyt enää pitkään aikaan pesemään takapuoltaan. Saga päästää Roopen kyllä lähelleen, mutta toisin on Lullan ja Iineksen laita. Varsinkin nuori ja nätti Iines tuntuu Sagaa ärsyttävän ;-) Kelvoton kakara yrittää Roopeakin liehitellä, ja sehän ei Sagalle sovi.
Saga was a bit restless yesterday, but she calmed down and seems to be quite calm now. I got a telephone message from her a few hours ago (via my mother's phone) and she sounded like her loud, normal self ;-)
She eats A LOT and sleep a lot. Her belly is really big and she looks like a whale on dry land :-) Today is 60th day from the mating, so I guess she will be in one piece for a few days at least.
She is unable to groom herself and Roope is doing that part for her ;-) Sibling love... Saga is very unhappy with Iines and Lulla at the moment. Iines does't care about Saga's cursing, she runs and plays and totally ignores Saga. Lulla tries to avoid Saga the best way she can.. It wil be interesting to see if Lulla will want to take care of the kittens and will Saga let her take care of them?
I took some pictures of Saga's belly yesterday, I will try to get them posted later today.
Sisarusrakkaus kukoistaa ja Roope pitää huolta Piballon puhtaudesta - se kun ei ole yltänyt enää pitkään aikaan pesemään takapuoltaan. Saga päästää Roopen kyllä lähelleen, mutta toisin on Lullan ja Iineksen laita. Varsinkin nuori ja nätti Iines tuntuu Sagaa ärsyttävän ;-) Kelvoton kakara yrittää Roopeakin liehitellä, ja sehän ei Sagalle sovi.
Saga was a bit restless yesterday, but she calmed down and seems to be quite calm now. I got a telephone message from her a few hours ago (via my mother's phone) and she sounded like her loud, normal self ;-)
She eats A LOT and sleep a lot. Her belly is really big and she looks like a whale on dry land :-) Today is 60th day from the mating, so I guess she will be in one piece for a few days at least.
She is unable to groom herself and Roope is doing that part for her ;-) Sibling love... Saga is very unhappy with Iines and Lulla at the moment. Iines does't care about Saga's cursing, she runs and plays and totally ignores Saga. Lulla tries to avoid Saga the best way she can.. It wil be interesting to see if Lulla will want to take care of the kittens and will Saga let her take care of them?
I took some pictures of Saga's belly yesterday, I will try to get them posted later today.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Suvipäivän Igor European Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh, I was so nervous in the morning when Igge went to judging. It was up to Bjarne Wikström whether he was to become EC today or later... Bjarne gave Igge a very good judgment and there was no question if he was going to get the cert or not: he got it!!!
So at the age of 3 years and 23 days Igor is now European Champion :-) BIG congratulations to Veikko! And also for the happy breeder Suvi ;-)
We already gave our present to Igge, but the celebration will be held at Turku :-)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Häjy has become a father for the first time
Häjy's first kittens were born today, 6 kittens and the biggest one weighted 140 g!
I'm anxiously waiting to get pictures of them :-)
I'm anxiously waiting to get pictures of them :-)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A message from Täplä :-) ja vähän muutakin
Täplä got vaccinations a few days ago and the vet had said that she is very well boned for her age :-) And she weights a little over 5 kg... there isn't anything extra in her body, just muscles. BIG girl, maybe even bigger than Lulla.
Saga is a bit envious... :-D and she is hoping to get as good-sized kittens this time around, too.
Sagalla on odotusta jäljellä vielä pari viikkoa, ehkä muutama päivä ylikin. Neitokainen kovasti esittää, että ei jaksa enää kävelläkään - mutta annas olla jos kalkkunapurkki tulee esiin; se juokse! Ja se on jo sen mahan kanssa aika hupaisa näky. Täytyy yrittää taas kuvata joku päivä.
Pentujen määrästä ei vieläkään arviota. Yksi ruskeatabby olisi ehkä tilauksessa ;-) Enää tarttisi tietää onko Häjy kuviollinen vai ei... muuten se ruskea poika kyllä valitettavasti tulee olemaan musta. Harmi vaan kun Häjystä ei ole kovin hyviä kuvia olemassa, joten täytyy odotella Liinan pentuja, jospa ne kertoisivat jotain. Tai sitten se pari viikkoa, että omin silmin näkee mitä pirpanoita siellä Sagan mahassa asustaa.
Nimiä on mietittynä jos jonkinlaisia ja eri teemoista. Tällä viikolla suosiossa on taas kaikenlaiset Sagan nimiteemaan liittyvät nimet. Muitakin teemoja on... Mutta ehkä nimet selkenee kun näkee väri- ja sukupuolijakauman :-)
Saga is a bit envious... :-D and she is hoping to get as good-sized kittens this time around, too.
Sagalla on odotusta jäljellä vielä pari viikkoa, ehkä muutama päivä ylikin. Neitokainen kovasti esittää, että ei jaksa enää kävelläkään - mutta annas olla jos kalkkunapurkki tulee esiin; se juokse! Ja se on jo sen mahan kanssa aika hupaisa näky. Täytyy yrittää taas kuvata joku päivä.
Pentujen määrästä ei vieläkään arviota. Yksi ruskeatabby olisi ehkä tilauksessa ;-) Enää tarttisi tietää onko Häjy kuviollinen vai ei... muuten se ruskea poika kyllä valitettavasti tulee olemaan musta. Harmi vaan kun Häjystä ei ole kovin hyviä kuvia olemassa, joten täytyy odotella Liinan pentuja, jospa ne kertoisivat jotain. Tai sitten se pari viikkoa, että omin silmin näkee mitä pirpanoita siellä Sagan mahassa asustaa.
Nimiä on mietittynä jos jonkinlaisia ja eri teemoista. Tällä viikolla suosiossa on taas kaikenlaiset Sagan nimiteemaan liittyvät nimet. Muitakin teemoja on... Mutta ehkä nimet selkenee kun näkee väri- ja sukupuolijakauman :-)
Monday, October 15, 2007
19 days..

Saga weights around 5,7 kg. She decided that Sturdi could be the place where she's willing to live with her babies ;-) In my opinion it would be a great place, but I have to give her some alternatives besides that...
Friday, October 12, 2007
42 days behind, approximately 24 to go...
Saga weighted 5,5 kg yesterday.... She was 4,2 kg right after her date with Häjy, so in six weeks she has gained 1,3 kg. It's 800 g more than the same time at her last pregnancy.
She looks huge, but the coat makes her look like a whale on dry land ;-) Actually she isn't as big, but I'm expecting 4-5 kittens. In her first litter there were 4 kittens; 116g, 121g, 132g and 133g.
I just looked at Lulu's file(the one that I got from her breeder) and Lulu and Häjy were both 138g when they were born. Veikka was the smallest one (129g) and Saku the biggest (146 g). Based on that, I'm not expecting the kittens to be small.. so I guess it's possible that there will be a few quite big ones rather than a lot of small ones.
But we just have to wait and see....
She looks huge, but the coat makes her look like a whale on dry land ;-) Actually she isn't as big, but I'm expecting 4-5 kittens. In her first litter there were 4 kittens; 116g, 121g, 132g and 133g.
I just looked at Lulu's file(the one that I got from her breeder) and Lulu and Häjy were both 138g when they were born. Veikka was the smallest one (129g) and Saku the biggest (146 g). Based on that, I'm not expecting the kittens to be small.. so I guess it's possible that there will be a few quite big ones rather than a lot of small ones.
But we just have to wait and see....
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Igor and Ivor!
BIG congratulations to GIC Suvipäivän Igor and GIP&IC Suvipäivän Ivor for their birthday! They turn 3 years today.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Iines vs. Lulu, round 1

For some reason, Iines has been harassing Lulu the whole morning. And for some reason, Lulu can't beat Iines. They have pretty big difference in size and in weight, too! Lulu weighted 5,7 kg last week (I had thought that she would be heavier) and Iines is around 3 kg.
Clearly Iines is trying to outsmart and outrun everyone else, so that she can be the queen of the house. Roope had no part in this battle, but Saga was observing the situation closely, and intervened when she thought it was time to cut the battling duo apart.
Poor-Lulu was on the losing side with Saga too. Iines however didn't want to let Saga win too easily and started chasing Saga instead. Saga doesn't want to run with her big belly, so things were a bit unfair for her.
I still think Saga is the queen of the house. But for how long, time will tell. Her rival is really determined to snatch the position from her...
For most of the time, things are really calm in here. Lulu still takes care of Iines, and sometimes Saga has been caught doing the same (as seen in the pictures above, taken 18.9.2007).
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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