Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Plans for the christmasparty

Christmas party is approaching and I still haven't been able to do a decent invitation :-/ I have the menu from the restaurant and the preliminary reservation has been made. However we have to announce the number of people by 19.11. at the latest.

23.11. is the date and our reservation is for 7 PM - .

I'm trying to get something done this week...


Saga is still in one piece and hopefully she won't have her kittens before Friday.. I have my last exam on Thursday and I can't miss it no matter what. But fortunately my mother has promised to check up on Saga, so I don't have to worry about that so much.

The presentation of my thesis was also rescheduled and it's on the 28th of November. Could the date be any worse?? (NOT) It's my birthday and I'm pretty sure that the presentation will ruin it ;-) But the good part is that I still have about two weeks to get it done.

So now it seems that after all, I'm finally going to graduate ;-) However it doesn't do me much good, because I don't intend to apply for a job from that field. But a degree is always a degree.

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