Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wishful thinking

Maybe she is and maybe she isn't...? But her nipples seem to be slightly larger and they are more pinkish than before. Tomorrow it has been 3 weeks from the mating, so probably I know more next week...

I'm a little hopeful at this point, but of course there is still a chance that Iines starts a new heat soon. She is losing her coat (it didn't stay on for long) so I couldn't have taken her to any shows anyway. I'm happy that she gained the IC titel before the kittens, and maybe in the autumn / winter she will try her luck in class 5.

I have been thinking a lot about showing Saga... but there are several reasons not to do it :-D For one, she is FAT... She needs to lose weight badly. Her body isn't very long (they have quite the same built with Roope) and she looks like a balloon ;-) Her mother isn't so skinny either, so it must run in the family..... She only has one CACE (well, CACS) and getting her 8 (or 10) more seems to be an endless task :-D Maybe she will attend some shows in the future, as a neuter.

The more I think about it, more clear it gets that I have no cats for shows. Roope would probably get a heart attack if I took him somewhere... And since he is in class 2, there is no point for me to take him anyway :-) Lulu became IP about 1,5 years ago and doesn't want to enter any more shows. She is in nice shape otherwise, but the coat still looks "weird" and she maybe ds after all. Her coat is also very soft and it is a mess. She doesn't want me to comb her at all... so usually I have to take the scissors and cut the knots off her. So looking at her coat, she is not exactly in a show condition ;-)

Iines seems to be my only hope at the moment, but actually I didn't get her as a showcat :-) I'm happy that she has a title and it doesn't matter if she never becomes GIC. However I have asked her to make me a showcat, but it remains to be seen if she can make my wish come true ;-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Nothing new about Iines yet. But as they say, no news is good news...

We were at a show last weekend at Lahti, but it didn't quite go as planned. Remu didn't feel like showing himself, so he wasn't judged at all. It remains to be seen if he will attend more shows or not, he is still a young boy, so maybe time will do the trick...

Saga is maybe starting a heat! :-/ Great... I think she got the idea last night, when I came home from Vantaa. She smelled my clothes very carefully and obviously liked Häjy's smell.... I should make up my mind about her future plans, but it seems to be impossible for me. Some days I think I will sterilize her and some days I plan kittens for her. Complicated!

It has been just over a year since she had her second litter so there is still time to think about it...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Positive thinking...? eh..

I know - I should stay positive... At least Iines hasn't started a heat... But all I can think is, not YET she hasn't...

This morning I woke up with a nasty sound, Roope was the source of it. I didn't want to get up and see what was going on, but I had to when she noice didn't go away. I found Roope in the bathroom, with Iines :-/ Didn't quite get to see what was going on, but usually this means that Roope is either trying to help Iines out, or Iines is trying to force Roope to help her...

Roope may not be the smartest one, but he usually doesn't harass girls when they are not in heat. And he normally knows when they are before I do...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a false alarm... It has been less than 2 weeks from the mating, but I'm trying not to lose all hope. All I can do now is to wait and see what happens.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Veljeni meni 10.1. naimisiin ja häissä isäni luki yhden jo edesmenneen isänsä, meidän pappamme, kirjoittamista runoista. Runojen löytymä oli aika sattuma! Äidin kehotuksesta tyhjensin vihdoin vanhaa huonettani (jos tavaroita ei ole tarvinnut melkein kymmeneen vuoteen, ne varmaan suurelta osin joutaa roskiin ;-)) ja sieltä niitä löytyi 2 mapillista.

En ehtinyt itse vielä runoihin perehtyä, vaikka muistan niitä nuorempana lukeneeni - varmaan niiltä ajoilta ne myös olivat jääneet huoneeni kaappiin unohduksiin.

Isäni valitsema runo sopi mielestäni hääteemaan mainiosti ja ajattelin sen vielä blogissakin julkaista :-)


Kaks joutsenta ylväänä uiskentelee
niissä ryhtiä on totisesti
yhtä aikaa kääntävät suuntaansa
rannan suuntaan ylhäisesti

Koko ajan joutsenet toisiaan
sivusilmällä seuraavat uidessaan
ne antavat muidenkin huomata
me kuulumme yhteen ainoastaan.

Esko Viljanen

Ollako vai eikö olla....?

Reilu viikko astutuksesta ja vielä pari viikkoa pitäisi odotella, ennen kuin mahdollinen tiineys varmistuu :-) Odottavan aika on pitkä...

Iines oli mahapöpön kourissa viikon verran, mutta alkaa olla jo normaalitilassa taasen. Syö ja juo normaalisti ja innostui tänään leikkimäänkin oikein urakalla. Toivottavasti astutus on onnistunut, koska muuten menee suunnitelmat aika lailla uusiksi...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A few pictures

I got new pictures of Santtu today! He is around 6 months in them and looks very handsome :-)
More pictures can be found at his own page:

Shamicka was in a mood for a quick photoshoot today ;-) I managed to take some decent pictures of her... My camera is not the best one, but when the "model" is really still, it may take some pictures ;-)

Saga is still in heat (it has been over a week now and Roope is begging her to stop harrassing him) and I haven't gotten much sleep because of it... I'm hoping that she will stop soon, but it doesn't look like it...