Sunday, April 27, 2008

A few pictures from Rurok

Sibi didn't want to get her picture taken... She was a bit upset at the cage, before she was given a pink pillow :-) after that she slept on top of the pillow oh so sweetly.

This was Remu's second show and he liked it way better than euro-type show in Jyväskylä. His curtains were so dark than at times there were no way of telling if he was in the cage or not! He got a lot of attention from he audience, as he had his name written on the curtains :-) Children wanted to cuddle him and that was ok with him.

Saga's son Sharma (from the Abeona's India litter) got his second CAP yesterday! And Sharma's friend Trollgumman's Lukaz Lunkentuss was EX1 + BIV! Congratulations to both boys! Saga is anciously waiting to hear news for today, hopefully Sharma will be Premior :-)

And also BIG congratulations to Roope's borther Paukku (GIP&EC Lioneye's Baily) who became GIP yesterday and was also nominated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hienoja näyttelyuutisia! :) Alexanderkin lähettää onnittelut Paukku-papalle GIP-tittelistä, hienoa! Toivottavasti juhlitte tänään myös Sharman Premioria. :)