Pennut ovat lauantaista asti olleet uusissa kodeissaan, Sunnaa lukuunottamatta.
Remu on alusta asti ollut reipas, eikä ole välittänyt uusien kavereidensa sähinöistä. Remu myös tajusi hyvin nopeaan kenen kanssa kannattaa olla väleissä, että ruokakuppi täyttyy ;-) Remusta on myös paljastunut aika komentelevainen kollinalku, tulee joku tuttu mieleen..... Kun kävin sitä heti lauantai-iltana (juu, säälittävää) katsomassa, niin se tuli melkein suuhun asti kun puski naamaa ja jutteli kovasti päivän tapahtumista. Oli kuitenkin jo ihastunut uuteen emäntäänsä niin paljon, että enemmän pyöri hänen ympärillään :-)
Kuulemani mukaan Remppa tykkää kovasti tepsutella, varsinkin mattojen päällä on niin kiva teppailla. Karkki kuulemma tepsuttelee vielä enemmän, KOKO ajan :-D On kyllä siinä suhteessa tulleet molemmat Sagaan, Sagan tassuthan käy aina ja siksi sitä pentuna kutsuttiinkin tepsuksi.
Karkilla on jo keinoemo Nanna ja Tikun kanssa leikitään jo uhitteluleikkejä. Mintun kanssa vielä vähän sähistään, mutta eiköhän se siitä ala sujua.
Sibiä (vai Liljaa ;-)) vähän häiritsi ensialkuun, että isosisko Indi koko ajan vahtasi ja kyttäsi että mitä se tekee... Piti vähän sähistä, että antaisi nyt vähän tilaa tutkia rauhassa paikkoja. Nyttemmin ovat kai sähinät jo laantuneet.
Täytyy vielä hehkuttaa, että Indira oli KAUNIS! Tosin ei ihme, tarkoittaahan sen nimikin kauneutta ja nimi on yleensä enne ;-) Indi oli todella kauniissa turkissa ja yhä edelleen sillä on todella hurmaava katse. Korvat olivat tulleet alaspäin ja kokoakin oli kivasti. Tosi kivan näköinen kastraattineito siitä olikin tullut! Ehkäpä kuvia on tiedossa sitten, kun mennään Indiä ja Sibiä katsomaan :-)
Sagaa ei lasten lähtö ole kiinnostanut, päin vastoin... Tosin kyllä se edelleen Sunnaa imettää, mutta selvästi on iloinen että vain yksi rääpäle roikkuu helmoissa. Iinekselle pitää koko ajan uhitella, harmi vaan kun pukkihyppyjä selkä köyryssä hyppivä Saga on niin hupaisa näky, että sitä ei voi repeämättä katsella (Terkkuja Karkille, joka ilmeisesti seuraa äidin jalanjäljissä ;-)). Sunna on ollut vähän onneton, kun on jäänyt "yksin". Se tulee koko ajan viereen kehräilemään ja haluaa kovasti olla kaikessa mukana.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
Only a few hours and Remu will be meeting his new friends, Lissu and Arttu! How exciting... I'm taking him to his new home first thing in the morning, and planning on coming back to see him in the evening ;-)
After Remu, it's Sibilja's and Skadi's turn.
I better go get some sleep, because it'll be a long day :-)
After Remu, it's Sibilja's and Skadi's turn.
I better go get some sleep, because it'll be a long day :-)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Viikonloppu lähestyy
Ihana, hiljainen, Saga... ;-) Vähän eri tasoinen juoksija kuin Iines. Niin hiljainen ettei tasan häiriinny kenenkään yöunet. Hassua miten se yleensä on sellainen "huutaja", se määkii, rääkyy, kurnuttaa jne. Sitten Iines taasen on tosi pieniääninen normaalisti, mutta tuo juoksussa huutaminen oli jotain aivan järkkyä.
Pennuilla on tänään toiset rokotukset, saavat samalla sitten sirut nahkansa alle ja passit. Rekkaritkin tulivat hyvissä ajoin ennen rokotuksia, joten saa nyt kaikki merkinnät sitten kerralla kuntoon. Pentukansio on viimeistelyä vaille valmis, ja toivon mukaan minua postissa odottava isokokoinen kirje on kuvatilaukseni ifiltä.. Pentukuvat on vielä polttamatta levyille, mutta kyllä kai tämä tästä valmistuu. Lauantaina onkin sitten kiireinen päivä, kun suhaan pennut maailmalle.
Sunna voi olla vähän ihmeissään, kun jää "yksin". Sunna saa odotella vielä 3 viikkoa omaa reissuaan äidin huomassa.
Pennuilla on tänään toiset rokotukset, saavat samalla sitten sirut nahkansa alle ja passit. Rekkaritkin tulivat hyvissä ajoin ennen rokotuksia, joten saa nyt kaikki merkinnät sitten kerralla kuntoon. Pentukansio on viimeistelyä vaille valmis, ja toivon mukaan minua postissa odottava isokokoinen kirje on kuvatilaukseni ifiltä.. Pentukuvat on vielä polttamatta levyille, mutta kyllä kai tämä tästä valmistuu. Lauantaina onkin sitten kiireinen päivä, kun suhaan pennut maailmalle.
Sunna voi olla vähän ihmeissään, kun jää "yksin". Sunna saa odotella vielä 3 viikkoa omaa reissuaan äidin huomassa.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Great, now Saga started...
I shouldn't have been so glad about the silence ;-) Now Saga started! Out of the blue.. Roope seems to be quite desperate too. Sorry neighbours.... :-/ (but Saga isn't as loud as Shamicka)
Finally.... silence
Finally Shamicka's heat is over. In the evening she had time to come to my lap to sleep and she slept quietly next to me the whole night. What a wonderful feeling to actually have some sleep ;-) And probably my neighbours welcome that too...
Shamicka seems to be losing her coat :-/ Great... just what I needed when there is only 3 weeks until we go to Jyväskylä. But maybe she won't drop everything...
Saga has no coat, so she is currently looking quite funny :-D But I think it's starting to grow.
Tomorrow kittens will have their second vaccinations and on Saturday I will take Sparke, Sibilja and Skadi to their new homes. First Sparke at 8 AM ;-) And then the girls. I'll bet Sunna will be surprised when she is "alone" with the adults. I don't think Saga will mind them leaving, at least she will have Sunna (and she is getting really tired of the babies ;-))
Shamicka seems to be losing her coat :-/ Great... just what I needed when there is only 3 weeks until we go to Jyväskylä. But maybe she won't drop everything...
Saga has no coat, so she is currently looking quite funny :-D But I think it's starting to grow.
Tomorrow kittens will have their second vaccinations and on Saturday I will take Sparke, Sibilja and Skadi to their new homes. First Sparke at 8 AM ;-) And then the girls. I'll bet Sunna will be surprised when she is "alone" with the adults. I don't think Saga will mind them leaving, at least she will have Sunna (and she is getting really tired of the babies ;-))
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Kittens 11 weeks
I apologize for the lack of updates... Since Shamicka is in heat, I haven't got much of sleep in a few days and I have been at Surok's catshow today (and yesterday for a little while too). I try to get something done tomorrow...
All kittens are doing fine, even Sparke has gained weight during these last days (he didn't get any weight in the beginning of the week, but whatever it was, it seems to have gone now).
Weights 19.1.:
Sparke is still the heaviest kitten weighting 1579 but Sunna is right behind him at 1552. Sibilja was 1502 and Skadi 1443.
All kittens are doing fine, even Sparke has gained weight during these last days (he didn't get any weight in the beginning of the week, but whatever it was, it seems to have gone now).
Weights 19.1.:
Sparke is still the heaviest kitten weighting 1579 but Sunna is right behind him at 1552. Sibilja was 1502 and Skadi 1443.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Shamicka is in heat...
10 months + 1 week and bam, first heat came out of the blue! And it seems that Shamicka is getting more and more desperate.... even Saga would be ok for her ;-)
Shamicka would probably want to meet her boyfriend right now, but unfortunately that isn't an option...... ;-) But let's see how things will develope. Maybe they will meet sooner than I thought.
Shamicka would probably want to meet her boyfriend right now, but unfortunately that isn't an option...... ;-) But let's see how things will develope. Maybe they will meet sooner than I thought.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Roope 5 years 16.1 :-)
EP Lioneye's Bobo will be 5 years 16.1.2008 :-) Roope wants to send congratulations to his sister Beyla and brothers Baily and Baloo! Roope is spending his birthday at home, hoping to get out as much as possible and get to eat all the foods that he usually aren't allowed to have ;-) (for example royal canin's baby cat....)
Shamicka 10 months, part 2 ...

My norwegian princess truly is a princess ;-) She is so pretty and elegant, always "smiling" and never says a bad word to anyone. Polite, and trying to prevent any arguments from happening. Taking care of abandoned kittens ;-) and fellow housmates. Hoping to get her picture taken, and to be cuddled and praised :-D
She'll sleep anywhere, as long as she can sleep next to me :-) If I call her, she always answers with her nice little voice and comes running to me. What more could I wish for?
Kittens 10 weeks, photos by Pia Ojanen

I haven't been able to update my webpage over the weekend, but I'm trying to do it tonight. But here are a bunch of great pictures taken by Pia Ojanen:
Thank you Pia for these lovely pictures!!
Thank you Pia for these lovely pictures!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
First vaccinations
Now the trip to the vet is over :-) Everything went very well. Kittens travelled there in their own box and Saga in another box. I thought it was best to take them separately, even though they could have travelled in one box.
The vet was really nice and loved the kittens :-) Too bad that all of them were already reserved, she would have wanted to buy one ;-)
All four acted really nice, they didn't even say anything the whole time. Not quite like their aunt Lulla who always manages to bite either me or the vet..... Saga's turn was last and she probably thought that she was in a show and judged by the vet :-D She did a couple of tricks that she always does and was oh so sweet ;-)
Kittens will have their second vaccinations on the 24th and Sunna will have her rabies vaccination on 28th.
The vet was really nice and loved the kittens :-) Too bad that all of them were already reserved, she would have wanted to buy one ;-)
All four acted really nice, they didn't even say anything the whole time. Not quite like their aunt Lulla who always manages to bite either me or the vet..... Saga's turn was last and she probably thought that she was in a show and judged by the vet :-D She did a couple of tricks that she always does and was oh so sweet ;-)
Kittens will have their second vaccinations on the 24th and Sunna will have her rabies vaccination on 28th.
Plans and vaccinations
Kittens will have their first vaccinations today. It will be interesting to see how they will react. Sparke's is also coming along, so I don't have to go alone with 5 cats ;-) Saga is also coming along to get vaccinations.
I updated plans yesterday :-) These plans were made a long time ago. When I was expecting Iines to come home I was already searching for a suitable male for her... I asked Laura if Kassu would be available for breeding and found out that he was moving in with his father, grandfather, uncle etc :-) so asked Päivi if Iines could meet Kassu some day.
The first time I saw Kassu was at Surok's summershow and the first time Kassu and Iines met, was in Rurok. Iines instantly fell in love with him and gave him a kiss ;-) I'm very excited about this plan, and hopefully it comes through.
Iines is going to shows in the spring and they will meet in the summer - or if that's not ok for Iines, later this year ;-) Iines hasn't had any heats yet, so there is no hurry to mate her yet.
I updated plans yesterday :-) These plans were made a long time ago. When I was expecting Iines to come home I was already searching for a suitable male for her... I asked Laura if Kassu would be available for breeding and found out that he was moving in with his father, grandfather, uncle etc :-) so asked Päivi if Iines could meet Kassu some day.
The first time I saw Kassu was at Surok's summershow and the first time Kassu and Iines met, was in Rurok. Iines instantly fell in love with him and gave him a kiss ;-) I'm very excited about this plan, and hopefully it comes through.
Iines is going to shows in the spring and they will meet in the summer - or if that's not ok for Iines, later this year ;-) Iines hasn't had any heats yet, so there is no hurry to mate her yet.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year 2008!
First day of the year - and all kittens have been booked. Sadly for me, less than 4 weeks and they will be on their way to their new homes. But of course it's wonderful news to their new owners :-)
Sparke is staying in Mäntsälä, so luckily I can see him often :-) He will have 2 cats to keep him company, a white semi-long haired Lissu and black/white Arttu. So goes fine with that duo, at least his colour does ;-) I'm hoping that Lissu and Arttu will soon make friends with him. Sparke is going to at least some shows.
Skadi will move to the western coast of Finland and will have three friends there :-) Skadi will come to some shows this year and in the future she will hopefully have babies, too.
Sunna was the last one that was for sale. After Christmas I got many inquiries about her, before that there was only one inquiry from Italia when the babies were very little. (Sadly for me;-)) Sunna is leaving the country and will have many forestcat-friends at her new home :-) But I'm hoping to see her in the future, after all.. it's not that far away.
Sibilja is going to live quite close and hopefully she will also be attending at least some shows :-) She has been my darling since day one, and if her family wouldn't take her, I don't know if I could sell her ;-) All kittens are adorable, but there is something special about Sibilja. There is always something happening with her, no dull moments ;-) I think that her catfriend will be quite surprised about her at first, since she is full of speed :-D
Sparke is staying in Mäntsälä, so luckily I can see him often :-) He will have 2 cats to keep him company, a white semi-long haired Lissu and black/white Arttu. So goes fine with that duo, at least his colour does ;-) I'm hoping that Lissu and Arttu will soon make friends with him. Sparke is going to at least some shows.
Skadi will move to the western coast of Finland and will have three friends there :-) Skadi will come to some shows this year and in the future she will hopefully have babies, too.
Sunna was the last one that was for sale. After Christmas I got many inquiries about her, before that there was only one inquiry from Italia when the babies were very little. (Sadly for me;-)) Sunna is leaving the country and will have many forestcat-friends at her new home :-) But I'm hoping to see her in the future, after all.. it's not that far away.
Sibilja is going to live quite close and hopefully she will also be attending at least some shows :-) She has been my darling since day one, and if her family wouldn't take her, I don't know if I could sell her ;-) All kittens are adorable, but there is something special about Sibilja. There is always something happening with her, no dull moments ;-) I think that her catfriend will be quite surprised about her at first, since she is full of speed :-D
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