The last time my cats (well, Iines) attended to a show was in the beginning of Septempber! Almost 6 months ago. I'm very excited about the show on Saturday - I think it will be a very interesting day! (the confirmations haven't arrived yet, so Kes-kis has published a list of the owners and the numbers of the cats, no names though, but it's quite easy to figure them out with the owner names).
Sunna's new family is coming with me & Shamicka and Hanna & Remu to the show. Kati and Tero are bringing Karkki and Hannele is bringing Häjy and Piru. Quite a family meeting :-)
Remu will be competing with at least Suvipäivän Mirmir, who has LOTS of coat and is very nice looking boy. Karkki will have at least two competitors - Häjy and Piru seemed to be alone in their classes, but let's see... Shamicka on the other had has at least 4 competitors :-/ Nice..... But let's face it, it could be even more, since last year there were sometimes 6-7 females in the kitten/youngster class.
Remu has Dieter Filler, Karkki, Häjy and Piru have Elena Zagorskaja and Shamicka has Martin Sanda. I'm really not expecting anything :-D I'm also hoping to get pictures of Shamicka, as Keijo Penttinen is suppose to be there.
Sunna's new family is coming with me & Shamicka and Hanna & Remu to the show. Kati and Tero are bringing Karkki and Hannele is bringing Häjy and Piru. Quite a family meeting :-)
Remu will be competing with at least Suvipäivän Mirmir, who has LOTS of coat and is very nice looking boy. Karkki will have at least two competitors - Häjy and Piru seemed to be alone in their classes, but let's see... Shamicka on the other had has at least 4 competitors :-/ Nice..... But let's face it, it could be even more, since last year there were sometimes 6-7 females in the kitten/youngster class.
Remu has Dieter Filler, Karkki, Häjy and Piru have Elena Zagorskaja and Shamicka has Martin Sanda. I'm really not expecting anything :-D I'm also hoping to get pictures of Shamicka, as Keijo Penttinen is suppose to be there.
1 comment:
Meiltä Alex on näyttelyssä vasta sunnuntaina, mutta sillekin tiedossa ainakin yksi kilpailija 10-luokassa... Jännä että Karkilla on jopa kaksi kilpailijaa lauantaina.
Täytyy tulla kurkkimaan pikkukissoja ja vähän isompaakin Iinestä. :) Alexin Hippu-sisko on ainakin Iinestä vastassa kutosessa, jännä kuinka Surokissa ei ollut siinä luokassa yhtään ja nyt taas kova kilpailu. No, kiva päästä jännäämään. ;)
Jaa, että minkälaisia tulee Kassun ja Iineksen vauvoista... No toivottavasti sellaisia punaisia sydänmenvaltaajia, jotka perivät molemmilta vanhemmiltaan parhaat puolet, eli siis lentävät ja ovat samalla elegantteja. ;) Alex-setä ainakin odottaa innolla, mitä tuosta hurmaavasta yhdistelmästä oikein syntyy...
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