Where is my sweet little kitten, who used to look like
this ??? Lilli turned 4 months today and for a while she has been looking like a young - and not so sweet - girl :-D Maybe it's the lack of coat or something, but she looks quite funny! That teenage look isn't suitable for everyone :-)) Her profile could be more straight and chin stronger. She is a bit marked on the sidelines and the colour makes it even more visible... But I think all those things will improve over time :-)

Lilli was 2527g this morning and I'm very happy with her size! It probably takes time for her head to develope, but at least the body is good :-) Tail could be a little bit longer, but she is quite high on legs and long in the body. Bonestructure is ok and paws are big.

Lilli spends her days mostly playing and being with Saga... Saga still nurses her every single day!!! Due to that, Saga has lost weight and is in her ideal weight (4,5 kg) again ;-) So maybe it's a good thing that she is so devoted "mother"... Iines is very happy that Lilli isn't her trouble any more... She usually tries to avoid Lilli as much as she can, but isn't angry at her - that just wouldn's suit her personality at all :-D

Lilli is really easy-going cat :-) She demands food with her not-so-nice voice loudly, but otherwise she doesn't have much bad habits and doesn't destroy anything. Lilli's mother is the kindest and sweetest cat ever, so naturally Lilli isn't as sweet and kind... That would be impossible, because there can only be one "true princess".

Lilli's show-debut will be on 2th of August. I'm very curious to see how she will behave and what the judge will think of her.
Lilli on nätti tyttö :) Onnittelut nelikuiselle!
SUROKissa näen sen sitten livenäkin, tuomarijakoa odotellaan ainakin täällä jo tosi innolla! Jos vaikka vihdoin saataisiin vitosiinkin vähän kilpailua ;) Kutosissa sitä varmaan riittää!
Suloinen likkahan tuo Lilli on! :-)
Mulle on sanottu Namista ja kilppariväristä, että "se ei ole vika, se on ominaisuus". Ihanaa, että on vähän luonnettakin, eikös?
Mä tuun Surokin kisoihin turistina, näen lapsosen sitten siellä ja peukutan kovasti!
Paipait kaikille karvakuonoille ja terkkuja meiltä kaikilta.
Tuomariksi tuli sitten Ietje Röhr-Dubbeld, sama oli muuten Sunnalla sen ekassa näyttelyssä - eikä hirveesti tytöstä innostunut, hmph. :-/
Lilli kiittää kehuista! Onhan se ihan nätti, mut pitää mun kuitenkin katsoa sitä realistisesti :-)) Olis siinä kaikenlaista mitä vois parantaa... Iines painoi samassa iässä 1,9 kg! Joten toivon kovasti, et toi 600g:n painoero säilyy aikuisenakin... Iines on nyt pentujen jälkeen ollut 3,8 kg, et eiköhän se 4 kg oo se sen maksimipaino.
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