Friday, November 13, 2009


It has been over a month since Iines was sterilized. Everything went brilliantly, even though I was a bit worried beforehand. Iines didn't do anything to the stitches and she recovered very fast from the operation. She didn't seem to have any pain after the surgery and wanted to go out the next day like nothing had happened.

I haven't noticed any change in her behaviour, she is as sweet as always :-) A bit surprisingly she still takes care of her "little" girl Lilli... (I don't think Lilli can even understand how lucky she is to have 2 mothers, who still take care of her...)

I hoped that Iines would gain weight after sterilization, but she hasn't gained any yet. I think she is the kind of cat who won't have any weight problems in the future... I can't imagine her ever being fat :-D She eats more than she used to, but at the moment she still weights a little over 3,8 kg. But I'm confident that she will be over 4 kg soon. She seems to be getting more coat every day :-) So she will probably be in her best condition in the winter, as always. It's quite funny actually, that she is the only one of my cats who has the best coat at winter, rest of them have it on summer-time :-)

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