For a while Lulu has seemed a bit depressed :-( Maybe it's because of Iines, maybe it's because Roope is constantly bullying her.. who knows?

Over the weekend I had a few messages from my parents and they told me that they had taken Lulu outside and she had been really really happy. I was surprised that they even managed to get Lulu outside, she rarely wants to go and if she goes, she doesn't want to walk at all. But this time things had been different and Lulu had been out both days.
Today I decited that it was time Lulu and I went to visit my parents. They live only a few kilometres from my apartment, so Lulu didn't have to spend much time in the car. She was a bit suspicious at first ;-) But she was clearly happy that she got to go out a few times and we played and cuddled her. She doesn't even play any more when we are home; because Iines is too fast and always interrupts us.

It was nice to see Lulu the way that she used to be. She talked a lot and was purring LOUD all the time. Now she is happily sleeping in the balcony. I think I will have to start taking her out more, even though she doesn't seem to like it. Maybe in time she will be more willing to walk there. I guess my father is more patient than me ;-) because I don't have the patience to stand still for a long time in the yard. But he even managed to get Lulu walking, I don't know how he did it, but I can't seem to do the same.
It has been quite rough to Lulu to be a neuter. Before she was sterilized, she was on her way to becoming the queen of the house, and suddenly she has lost her position and Roope is trying to secure his place by picking on her. This really makes me sad, but I'm hoping that things will cool down. Roope isn't as mean to Lulu as he was to Tigru.. And they were friends before. So I'm hoping that some improvment will happen.

Lulu wasn't afraid of anything before, but now she seems to watch her back all the time. She doesn't want to play with Iines and I think that Iines being a way for a few days was good for the adults. They got to be by themselves and my parents came to visit them twice a day. Thing seem to be calmer now :-)
(all the pictures taken before she was sterilized and they were all enjoying life together)
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