In less than a week we go to Tallinn. It's nice to go there, it will be my only "proper" holidaytrip. Two weeks of my holiday have passed without me even noticing it! Next week I'm suppose to do some school essays :-( Boring. I think I have to go to the library or to our school to do them, there is no way I'm going to get anything done at home ;-) And maybe I can scan some old photos at school. I realized that I don't have any old pictures on my computer, so it would be nice to scan even some of them.
It will be very interesting and a bit nervous too to take Iines to her first show. At first I was only going to take her to Tallinn because actually I don't have any cats who need certs from abroad.. Then I figured out that it could be quite stressful for Iines to travel alone, and Saga was chosen to be her companion. It's nicer for Iines to have Saga with her in the hotel etc. I'm not going to put them in a same cage, even though with Saga and Lulu it worked fine.
It will be interesting to see how she will behave in the show. She will have her next show a week from Tallinn, only one day in Vantaa. And after that we will go to Tampere for a day and then she will have a break. I haven't got her pedigree from SRK yet, but I hear that import -pedigrees have taken quite a long time. But of course I can show her with her registration number fron NRR. So no problem with that.
It seems that Iines has grown within this last week :-) She has gained some weight even though it's still too hot in here. The other cats don't eat much when it's this hot, but the little one need to have food :-)
I have been sleeping late the whole week (or at least trying to ;-)) Iines wants me to wake up at 6 AM and since I don't want to wake up then, she's trying her best to get me up :-) She tries to talk to me with her pathetic little voice, she wants to be cuddled, she tries to lick my face and roll over me etc. :-D But nothing works. Today I finally got up 11 AM, so 4 hours of worthless trying for Iines ;-) And then when I wake up, she is in a so much hurry to go to the balcony, get food etc. Adorable little kitten.
I was surfing in the internet yesterday when I found internetpages where was a relative to Iines; IC Lindbrekkas Sirikitt, DM :-) It was nice to see that she is still in good condition (11 years) and see pictures of her and her offsprings. I hope that Sirikitt will have many more years :-) And that Shamicka will live a long and healthy life like her :-)
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